Tribunal Superior de Justicia
Consejo de la Judicatura
Auxiliares de la Administración de Justicia
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Consulta las convocatorias publicas del Tribunal Superior de Justicia y del Consejo de la Judicatura Estatal.
Consulta las circulares y avisos del Tribunal Superior de Justicia y del Consejo de la Judicatura Estatal.
Consulta los acuerdos generales del Tribunal Superior de Justicia y del Consejo de la Judicatura Estatal.
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Our firm is focused on our clients’ demands for an exceptional legal service model that provides value. We understand that, for clients, value is not a mere hourly rate comparison. Value means efficient processes for tracking and reporting; creative approaches to reducing legal risk; enhanced cost certainty and RESULTS.
- Client-Focused Solutions and Results
- Flexible, Value Driven Approach
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- A team of experienced and highly specialized lawyers
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When you hire our firm to manage your case, you have hired a team of legal advocates who care, who will keep you informed, who will fight for you
Kourtney Holland
Karla Clinton
Maria Nelson
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